Sócrates fue un filósofo que destacó en la denominada “Ilustración ateniense” en el s. V a.C, época del esplendor en Atenas. Dedicó su vida a la búsqueda de la verdad, diciendo que el punto de partida de toda indagación filosófica debía ser el reconocimiento de la propia ignorancia, por eso se interrogaba acerca del bien humano, la justicia, la felicidad y la virtud. Tras la revuelta popular y la reinstauración de la Democracia ateniense, fue juzgado y condenado a ingerir cicuta, bajo la falsa acusación de corromper a la juventud.
Según Platón, Sócrates era el más justo de los hombres. Su trágica muerte le influyó poderosamente en su vida y sus pensamientos.
La filosofía de Sócrates estaba dividida en cuatro aspectos diferentes, los cuales ejercieron gran influencia en las decisiones platónicas.
Por una parte está la defensa de una concepción absolutista de la verdad y de los valores morales. Tanto Sócrates como Platón estuvieron toda la vida en contra de los sofistas y de sus teorías. Esta teoría que apoyan es contraria al relativismo, y defiende que la verdad, a diferencia de la opinión, no es relativa. Hay ciertas verdades que sí que pueden ser absolutas, objetivas y universales.
Respecto a la educación y la dialéctica socrática, la cual tiene dos fases; la de la ironía y la de la mayéutica, Platón acepta la manera que tiene Sócrates de entender la educación, y cuestiona algunos de los planteamientos socráticos en la base de la teoría platónica de la reminiscencia. Sin embargo, la dialéctica socrática no coincide con la manera en que Platón entiende la dialéctica, y no deben confundirse.
En cuanto a la búsqueda de definiciones esenciales de la cual Sócrates, quien pensaba que había una característica que era común a todos los valores y que nos debía de servir como criterio para distinguir una cosa de otra, extrajo conceptos, Platón lo convirtió en realidades inmateriales, a las cuales llamó Ideas.
Por último, está el intelectualismo moral, donde se dice que la virtud consiste en el conocimiento, basándose en tres principios: La virtud es conocimiento, el vicio es ignorancia y nadie obra mal a sabiendas. Platón aplicó este aspecto defendido por Sócrates al terreno político, del cual extrajo como resultado una propuesta platónica de un gobierno de filósofos, ya que pensó que todos los Estados habían estado mal gobernados, y solo así se podría conseguir un gobierno justo. Por eso fundó La Academia, para formarlos y que la filosofía actúe de medicina política.
Pau Fagoaga y Luciana Reguera.
Ana Estela i Gallach | 23 de octubre de 2011, 11:47
Molt bé en quant al contingut. Mireu de fer pàrrafs que sempre tinguen una extensió de 8 ó més línies. Dos línies no ho són.
Bon treball!
Ana E. | 4 de noviembre de 2011, 20:26
No revisat. Corregit.
Anónimo | 15 de noviembre de 2012, 18:27
Vaya mierda más grande aquí no hay mayéutica carajo! te voy a envenenar con cicuta!
Anónimo | 1 de abril de 2013, 16:33
This sucks!!!
Anónimo | 13 de octubre de 2013, 12:24
La verdad no dice mucho de la relación entre los 2 filósofos como por ejemplo porque a Platón le atrajo tanto la filosofía de Sócrates y como se conocieron , etc. faltan conceptos.
Anónimo | 17 de octubre de 2013, 18:22
putos catalanes de mierda, esta comparación es una mierda, gracias por nada. NUNCA CONSEGUIRÉIS LA INDEPENDENCIA.
Anónimo | 27 de octubre de 2013, 12:29
catalans magradat aquesta cosa cuyons!!
Unknown | 27 de octubre de 2013, 22:13
patata frita
Anónimo | 20 de noviembre de 2013, 7:26
cuyons, XD
Anónimo | 21 de noviembre de 2013, 23:49
Catalanes PAYASOS
Anónimo | 4 de febrero de 2014, 14:16
Amazing blog!
Anónimo | 2 de noviembre de 2014, 19:52
Gracias por tomar el tiempo en compartir y redactar esto, no hagáis caso a los comentarios peyorativos.
alumne teu d'enguany | 13 de noviembre de 2014, 21:03
ana puta
Anónimo | 25 de noviembre de 2014, 11:46
vuestros muertos
Anónimo | 30 de noviembre de 2014, 12:42
como suspenda voy y te revientooooooo.Y lo sabes
Anónimo | 3 de febrero de 2015, 17:49
Vaya puta mierda de comparacion, tu lo que eres es uun hijo de puta poniendo estas mierrdas cojones vaya catalan mas malo cojne
Anónimo | 8 de junio de 2015, 18:18
Habéis copiado bastante lo que pone en vuestro libro de texto, se nota, pero esta bien.
Anónimo | 7 de noviembre de 2015, 22:33
Aguante Uruguay manga de hijos de la grandisima puta que los pario adefesios de la vida humana ,su madre esta mas usada que el baño de la estacion de servicio de todo el puto pais de mierda en el que viven
Unknown | 8 de noviembre de 2015, 17:42
Anónimo | 25 de noviembre de 2015, 22:24
Unknown | 30 de noviembre de 2015, 23:41
Anónimo | 30 de noviembre de 2015, 23:43
Uruguayo de mierda abrazaarboles, comeplatanos, agarralianas, quedate en tu pais de mierda fumando marihuana y viviendo como monos, simios o lo que más rabia te de, que te has quedado a medio evolucionar Homo erectus, retrasado, latino de mierda, quedate con tu cultura y tu forma de expresarte, que pareces un pokemon sin evolucionar, que te quedaste atascado MONO.
Unknown | 16 de marzo de 2016, 1:16
Joder...menos mal que se estaba hablando de filosofía y de virtud, en los comentarios he encontrado toda la antítesis a esto: racismo, ignorancia, violencia verbal,fascismo...y sobre todo falta de consideración hacia una persona que ha compartido su conocimiento a su modo, que sois vosotros críticos literarios? No no...me temo que esto se debe más bien a la ignorancia de la que hablaba Sócrates...esa que no os permite conocer la virtud del respeto y de la consideración...Una pena.
Unknown | 16 de marzo de 2016, 1:20
Joder...menos mal que se estaba hablando de filosofía y de virtud, en los comentarios he encontrado toda la antítesis a esto: racismo, ignorancia, violencia verbal,fascismo...y sobre todo falta de consideración hacia una persona que ha compartido su conocimiento a su modo, que sois vosotros críticos literarios? No no...me temo que esto se debe más bien a la ignorancia de la que hablaba Sócrates...esa que no os permite conocer la virtud del respeto y de la consideración...Una pena.
Anónimo | 16 de noviembre de 2016, 18:58
Vuestros muertos, viva la raza aria! Qe nos teneis envidia de vivir en ciudades porqe vosotros soys putos monos sudacas qe vivis en la jungla qe comeis escarabajos sudacas de mierda
PD: Viva la raza aria
Marc | 9 de febrero de 2017, 16:34
¿Cómo se ha llegado a ese extremo? xD Es un trabajo de unos alumnos e ya, es normal encontrar cosas que estén mal, para eso tienen un profesor/a que les ha corregido.
sandhyakits | 31 de octubre de 2018, 5:48
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QuickBooks Payroll Support | 20 de mayo de 2019, 9:12
QuickBook Customer Support Number clients return to us several times. We keep most of the data safe plus in secrecy. We are going to never share it with other people. Thus, you are able to depend on us in terms of nearly every data.
jameswill11 | 20 de mayo de 2019, 13:19
A QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Number Service is a type of subscription this is certainly done to activate the payroll features in your QuickBooks Desktop Software.
kevin32 | 21 de mayo de 2019, 8:27
QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Number Edition is not just an accounting software but a total ERP solution within itself. These days, it had been evident that Medium Scale Business and Industry specific business like Manufacturing, Contractors, Wholesalers, Retail, Professional Services etc.
steffan | 21 de mayo de 2019, 10:28
Quickbooks Support Number
as well provides all possible help with the users to utilize it optimally. Someone who keeps connection with experts is able to realize in regards to the latest updates.
accountingwizards | 22 de mayo de 2019, 7:56
QuickBooks is a well known accounting software that encompasses virtually every aspect of accounting, from the comfort of business-type to a number of preferable subscriptions. QuickBooks Support Phone Number team works on finding out of the errors which could pop up uninvitedly and bother your work. Their team works precisely and carefully to pull out all the possible errors and progresses on bringing them to surface. They will have an independent research team that is focused and eager to work hard so that you can showcase their excellent technical skills along with to contribute in seamless flow of their customers business.
xpert | 22 de mayo de 2019, 8:13
Give a call at QuickBooks Support Phone Number, if you're encountering any difficulties which can be mentioned previously. If you are facing virtually any problems with your QuickBooks, you'll be able to also make instant calls. Your queries are certain to get resolved with no delays.
kevin32 | 22 de mayo de 2019, 8:37
QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number These accounting professionals, ultimately provided that full audit trail capabilities, double-entry accounting tasks and increased functions.
steffan | 23 de mayo de 2019, 7:50
QuickBooks is available for users across the world once the best tool to offer creative and innovative features for business account management to small and medium-sized business organizations. If you’re encountering any type of QuickBooks’ related problem, you could get all of that problems solved simply by making use of the Quickbooks Support Number.
Mathew | 24 de mayo de 2019, 9:40
Payroll processing in a snap: among the best top features of QuickBooks Customer Support Number is it so it makes the payroll processing rather easy. You are able to unlimited checks with direct deposit. It is possible to pay your staff easily and quickly.
kevin32 | 25 de mayo de 2019, 8:27
The most typical errors faced by the QuickBooks Phone Support Number users is unknown errors thrown by QuickBooks software at the time of software update. In order to fix the problem, you ought to have a look at your internet and firewall setting.
jameswill11 | 27 de mayo de 2019, 11:42
Whenever you again click OK here, it's going to just close the window. Yes, it can be frustrating. You are in an excellent hurry, or want to do any important work, but struggling to step ahead due to this QuickBooks Error 3371 status code -11118.
jameswill11 | 28 de mayo de 2019, 9:50
In certain updates and new introductions, QuickBooks keeps enhancing the buyer experience by offering them more facilities than before. QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number is amongst the important the various components of accounting, therefore the QuickBooks leaves no stone unturned in making it more & more easier for users.
kevin32 | 31 de mayo de 2019, 7:41
View my paycheck: QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number another fabulous feature of QuickBooks payroll service, it really is a site where your entire valuable employees will get the data of your own paychecks.
kevin32 | 4 de junio de 2019, 12:30
Contractor: This company is the primary uncertain variety of business with terms of profit and investment. But, utilizing the support of QuickBook Enterprise Technical Support Number all of this has become easier than you imagine.
steffan | 5 de junio de 2019, 7:23
In May 2002 Intuit thrown QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions for medium-sized businesses. QuickBooks Enterprise Help Number here to produce tech support team to users. In September 2005, QuickBooks acquired 74% share connected with market in america.
steffan | 5 de junio de 2019, 8:31
“Just dial our Quickbooks Support Number to inquire of about for Quickbooks Payroll customer service to get rid of payroll issues. We make use of startups to small-scale, medium-sized to multinational companies.
QuickBooks Support Phone Number | 11 de junio de 2019, 11:02
Each QuickBooks Support Phone Number software solution is developed based on different industries and their demands to be able to seamlessly manage all of your business finance at any time plus in one go.
QuickBooks Support Phone Number | 12 de junio de 2019, 9:19
You can easily reach our staff via QuickBooks Online Support Number & get required suggestion after all time. The group sitting aside understands its responsibility as genuine & offers reasonable help with your demand.
Jamess | 13 de junio de 2019, 8:49
A QuickBooks payroll service is a webpage you are able to activate by firmly taking the subscription allow it to be easy when it comes to top features of Payroll in your QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number
jameswill11 | 13 de junio de 2019, 12:33
Utilizing the introduction of modern tools and techniques in QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Number, you can test new ways to carry out various business activities. Basically, it has automated several tasks that were being carried out manually for a long time. There are numerous versions of QuickBooks and each you've got a unique features.
QuickBooks Payroll Support | 20 de junio de 2019, 9:54
If you need any help for QuickBook Support Phone Number from customer support to get the means to fix these errors and problems, you can easily contact with QuickBooks support phone number and obtain instant help with the guidance of your technical experts.
JimGray | 20 de junio de 2019, 11:23
QuickBooks has almost changed this is of accounting. Nowadays accounting has exploded in order to become everyone’s cup of tea and that’s only become possible because due to the birth of QuickBooks accounting software. We have the best plus the most convenient solution to boost your productivity by solving every issue you face with all the software. Give us a call at Support Number For QuickBooks to avail the greatest customer care services made for you.
JimGray | 20 de junio de 2019, 11:36
Intuit QuickBooks Payroll services are accessed by many people people business people, accountants, CA, CPAs to calculate taxes and pay employees. Unfortunately, types of issues and errors arise for which they have to contact the QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Number team.
xpert | 26 de junio de 2019, 9:12
Our dedicated technical team can be obtained to be able to 24X7, 365 days a year to make sure comprehensive support and services at any hour. We assure you the quickest solution on most your Intuit QuickBooks Support software related issues.
QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number | 26 de junio de 2019, 11:01
accountingwizards | 28 de junio de 2019, 11:02
There are regular updates through the federal government in regards to the financial transaction. QuickBooks payroll satisfies statutory demand. You're getting regular updates through the software. This can make your QuickBooks payroll software accurate. You won’t have any stress in operation. Even for small companies we operate. This technique is wonderful for a medium-sized company. You can find the absolute most wonderful financial tool. QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Phone Number is present 24/7. You can actually call them anytime. The experts are thrilled to aid.
accountingwizards | 28 de junio de 2019, 13:27
In some updates and new introductions, QuickBooks keeps enhancing the buyer experience by offering them more facilities than before. Payroll is among the important the different components of accounting, therefore the QuickBooks leaves no stone unturned in making it more & more easier for users. There are lots of payroll options made available because of the online type of QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number varying upon the necessity of accounting professionals and subscription plans. QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number as well provides all possible help with the users to utilize it optimally. A person who keeps experience of experts has the capacity to realize in regards to the latest updates.
Blogsilly | 1 de julio de 2019, 13:04
QuickBooks Payroll has emerged the best accounting software that has had changed the meaning of payroll. QuickBooks Payroll Customer Service
will be the team that provide you Quickbooks Payroll Support. This software of QuickBooks comes with various versions and sub versions. Online Payroll and Payroll for Desktop could be the two major versions and they are further bifurcated into sub versions. Enhanced Payroll and Full-service payroll are encompassed in Online Payroll whereas Basic, Enhanced and Assisted Payroll come under Payroll for Desktop.
QuickBooks Support Phone Number | 3 de julio de 2019, 14:08
We provide you with the best and amazing services about QuickBooks Support and also provides you all types of information and guidance regarding your errors or issues in only operating the best QuickBooks accounting software.
Mathew | 6 de julio de 2019, 9:19
It is rather possible you can face trouble while installing QuickBooks Pro software since this probably the most common issue. You don't have to go any where if you encounter any difficulty in QuickBooks Support Installation
xpert | 9 de julio de 2019, 7:28
Our clients come back to us several times. We keep every one of the data safe plus in secrecy. We're going to never share it along with other people. Thus, it is possible to rely on us in terms of just about any data. we now have a technique of deleting the power that you've put immediately from our storage. Thus, there's no risk of data getting violated. You should arrive at us with regards to a number of software issues. The satisfaction may be top class with us. It is simple to contact us in a QuickBooks Support Phone Number of ways. You're able to travel to our website today. It's time to have the best help.
QuickBooks Payroll Support | 9 de julio de 2019, 8:21
The best part of the QuickBooks Customer Support Phone Number is the fact that not merely you’ll prepare you to ultimately resolve your problems nevertheless you may be often acknowledged by our technicians and he/she could keep updating you concerning your problems. you've got a complete information what the problem your package is facing.
rdsraftaar | 16 de julio de 2019, 10:41
Our QuickBooks Support Number are terribly dedicated and might solve your entire issues without the fuss. In the event that you call, you are greeted by our client service representative when taking all of your concern he/she will transfer your preference into the involved department. The best part is the fact that not just you’ll prepare you to ultimately resolve your problems nevertheless you are often acquiesced by our technicians and he/she could well keep updating you concerning your problems. it's likely you have a whole information what the problem your package is facing.
kevin32 | 25 de julio de 2019, 8:46
At QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number, you'll find solution every single issue that bothers your projects and creates hindrance in running your company smoothly. Our team is oftentimes ready to enable you to when using the best support services you should possibly ever experience.
QuickBooks Support Phone Number | 29 de julio de 2019, 8:46
Issues and complications with QuickBooks Payroll Support Number Service Subscription
Problems with the Payroll Subscription Verification Probably the most discussed errors faced by users will be the inability to verify their payroll subscription. There are many factors that give rise to this matter, including:
QuickBooks Support Number | 31 de julio de 2019, 11:19
So whether it is seeking the most appropriate form of QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number for your needs or assessing the sorts of errors and this can be usually encountered into the various versions of QB Enterprise,
QuickBooks Support Phone Number | 6 de agosto de 2019, 10:29
QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number team spares no effort to meet you using the best they could be able. This team has exactly what it will require to eradicate the problems that occur in this software with no any trouble.
steffan | 7 de agosto de 2019, 8:02
Hope now you realize that how exactly to connect with QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number. We have been independent alternative party support company for intuit QuickBooks, we would not have virtually any link with direct QuickBooks, the employment of name Images and logos on website only for reference purposes only.
steffan | 13 de agosto de 2019, 8:38
QuickBooks Support Phone Number USA advisors are certified Pro-advisors’ and it has forte in furnishing any kind of technical issues for QuickBooks. They have been expert and certified technicians of these domains like QuickBooks accounting,QuickBooks Payroll, Point of Sales, QuickBooks Merchant Services and Inventory issues to provide 24/7 service to the esteemed customers.
jameswill11 | 14 de agosto de 2019, 7:29
QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number – It is a business accounting software that offers its users with accounting solutions without the need of implementing ERP. QuickBooks Enterprise provides a multifaceted accounting platform to manage miscellaneous tasks like payroll, payables, inventory tracking, and more.
tom wick | 14 de agosto de 2019, 8:46
There are many types of bugs, glitches, and issues that users can face while operating the QuickBooks. However, the QuickBooks Tech Support Number helps you in troubleshooting the all type of errors by giving a complete and easy stepwise guide. After understanding your problems, our great technical executives give the best possible support in rectifying them.
QuickBooks Payroll Support | 16 de agosto de 2019, 7:38
Improved inventory picking and sales order management: It allows managing the sales order in an easy way helping you to plan out urgent orders and complete them across warehouses. Not only this, but you can also send the inventory chart on your worker’s mobile phones. QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number It improves your productivity by altering your monitor setup as per your work style. You can create a customer list on one screen and build invoices on others. You can keep the profit insights together from one or more monitors. You can even open one QuickBooks company file on another company’s monitor.
Bryan Willson | 16 de agosto de 2019, 8:18
Common problems addressed by the consumer care unit that answers calls include Returns, Cancel order, Change order, tech support team, Track order and other customer support issues. In place of attempting to call QuickBooks we advice you tell us what issue you will be having and then possibly contact them via phone or web or chat. As a whole, QuickBooks has QuickBooks Premier Support Phone Number.
accountingwizards | 19 de agosto de 2019, 11:14
QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Phone Number could be the right place to make a call during the time of any crisis associated with this software. There may be occasions when we have been busier than usual, especially during tax filing season. Just in case you face any delay in our services, we assure that we shall revert back to you very quickly. For many who can’t reach us over phone, you can mail us.
Mathew | 20 de agosto de 2019, 12:34
Get prominent options for QuickBooks Support Phone Number near you right away! Without any doubts, QuickBooks has revolutionized the process of doing accounting this is the core strength for small in addition to large-sized businesses.
James077 | 20 de agosto de 2019, 12:38
QuickBooks Support – The core strength of each business, be it a start-up or the biggest Multi-national firms is its accounting and management. it’s looked at to be one among the foremost tedious and tough tasks to manage the Payroll of the workers, making Invoices chase sales. It really is nearly not possible not to wander away once in a very whereas following the written account to control the accounts. That is why intuit created QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number associate degree accounting and management code. Today, QuickBooks is the most used accounting and management code out there.
jameswill11 | 21 de agosto de 2019, 8:37
All of us of independent Quickbooks customer support or Quickbooks payroll support team or financial, accounting or bookkeeping advisors or third-part customer support provider provides 24 seven phone support through a toll-free QuickBooks Support Number for almost any style of error or any versions of QB products.
Bryan Willson | 5 de septiembre de 2019, 12:25
It is simple to avail the receipt simply by engaging the camera into the receipts scanner plus it automatically gets put in the expenses.To enable the aforementioned and other features, go ahead and reach our QuickBooks Tech Support and acquire instant assistance from the pro-advisors.
QuickBooks Payroll Support | 5 de septiembre de 2019, 12:51
The QuickBooks Support Phone Number is toll-free while the professional technicians handling your support call may come up with an immediate solution that may permanently solve the glitches. The Intuit customer care can take in every kind of queries associated with installing a particular form of QuickBooks software, to learn about the newly available subscription plans, backing up data, fixing errors with a saved QOB file and a lot more.
kevin32 | 5 de septiembre de 2019, 13:00
The team working behind the QuickBooks customer support number are known to be the best engineers in the entire industry and with their timely advice, you are about to find a reliable solution that is worthy enough for the money you spend on them. The engineers and technicians are working hard to provide a friendly QuickBooks Support Phone Number that you desire to have for reaching them at any given situation.
Blogsilly | 20 de enero de 2020, 11:48
Quickbooks Error 9999 as during program installation for business. Also a mistake occurs while Quickbooks is running, during windows startup or shutdown and sometimes even through the installation of the Quickbooks software windows operating system. If you would like to take a shot to Troubleshoot QuickBooks Error 9999 yourself, you can continue reading this blog.
Blogsilly | 20 de enero de 2020, 11:50
Error technically means an estimated difference between the calculated value of a quantity and its true value. The numeric value, here, 9999, may be the value to identify the error. It holds information, cause, as well as the action evoking the error. Banking error 9999 may encounter an individual while searching online. It hangs, responds slower or even stops working. When trying updating the info, the users get entangled in error. If you would like to take a shot to Troubleshoot QuickBooks Error 9999 yourself, you can continue reading this blog.
steffan | 21 de enero de 2020, 7:43
You need to try this solution only if the above steps haven’t worked and the error is still existent. Do a direct login to your Bank account from a different window or browser tab. A minor/major security setting update is done by the bank that requires re-connection with the bank so that the updated settings can be taken correctly. If you want to Fix QuickBooks Error 9999 then you may contact our ProAdvisors.
Blogsilly | 6 de marzo de 2020, 12:47
Quickbooks is one of such applications that have powerful features and efficient tools for your medium-sized business for User. If you would like to learn how to troubleshoot Quickbooks Error 9999, you can continue reading this blog.
Quickbooks error | 22 de septiembre de 2021, 13:12
You can utilize Quickbooks file doctor in the event that you getting any error while opening a particular record in Quickbooks or you have confronted any sort of information harm.
Quickbookserror | 28 de septiembre de 2021, 20:10
Method 3: Windows file checker.
Open the start tab and then open the run windows.
Open the command and type sfc/scannow in the black window.
If you need more help to resolve Quickbooks error 30159, reach out to QBSsovled at 1-888-910-1619